Myjourney here has not been pleasant. Never mind the long long long plane rides. I'd much rather have to be on a plane than wait for the plane. This opinion is not without foundation- try getting to Frankfurt airport at 5.15 am only to later find out that the 7:45 am flight is delayed until 12:20pm... Which would've also been okay had the flight not been delayed AGAIN for another 2 hours! But I'm not completely ungrateful- in fact I was lucky thy this flight
was not cancelled due to it being snowy and cloudy.
despite all this I was still rendered a little
sppechless by how nice and pretty
Spain is. The picture and preexisting preconception of Spain definetelydonotcoincide. It's
a very alive city. Anyway I
had better be off to bed. Something tells me that when Monica and Anne arrive I won't be getting much sleep at all!